Next Generation Communications would like to inform our Verizon FIOS customers of the non-payment disconnect policy: Verizon, at any time, can disconnect FIOS accounts, without verbal notification to your business, for account balances 30 days or more past due.
Recently, business accounts have been disconnected for non-payment, even though the customer was not receiving a bill from Verizon. If you are not receiving a Verizon FIOS bill, especially after a recent installation or changes to your account, it is extremely important to contact Verizon to and verify the correct mailing address is on file for your business. If your business is using Verizon FIOS services it is your responsibility to ensure the payments are being received by Verizon.
If your FIOS service is disconnected, the account will need to be paid in full and immediately before service can be restored. Complete restoration of services can take up to 48 hours. In addition, when restoration of the connection is requested, a restoral fee will also be charged to your account. Next Generation Communications Verizon FIOS customers please call us with any questions.